General Meeting of the members of ACK

Management Board
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member

Head of Administration
Audit Commission
General Meeting of the members of ACK
Management Board
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Head of Administration
Audit Commission
Highest governing body – General Meeting of the members of ACK:
The Highest governing body of the ACK is the Meeting of authorized representatives of the permanent arbitrages and arbitrators who are the members of the Chamber. As a rule, this meeting is called at least once a year, but if there is an urgent or relevant matter that need to be addressed regarding the activities of the arbitration community, an extraordinary meeting could be called. The decisions of the Meeting shall be deemed legitimate, if at least two thirds of the members of the ACK were present at the Meeting.
Permanent collegial governing body – Management Board of the Chamber:
Permanent collegial governing body is the Management Board of the Chamber. The Board Members are elected by the General Meeting and drawn from the representatives of the permanent arbitrages for a 4-year term with a right to be re-elected. The Management Board is comprised of 5 people.
Single executive body – Chairman of the Management Board:
The executive body of the Chamber is the Chairman of the Management Board elected by the Management Board of the Chamber for a 4-year term with a right to be re-elected for another term. Chairman of the Management board reports to the Management Board and the General meeting of the Members of the Chamber and shall be held accountable by them for the activities of the Chamber. The Chairman acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Chamber, on a free-of-charge basis, and also represents the Chamber in all organizations and state agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
Body of internal control of the financial and economic activities of the Chamber – Audit Commission:
Audit Commission is appointed by the General Meeting of the Members of the Chamber for a 2-year term and will consist of three people. The Audit Commission competences shall include the control of the proper use of the Chamber’s budget and performance of financial and economic operations.