Head of the Administration of ACK
Duisenova Asel Erikovna, born on May 14, 1977 in Almaty. In 1994 graduated from the Kazakh State Law Academy (now – KAZGUU), Faculty of International Law and Public Service, earned a degree with honors, major – Legal science, qualification – Lawyer. From 1998 to 2002 attended post-graduate program at Scientific and Research Institute of Private Law at KAZGUU with a specialty 12.00.03 – civil law, business law, family law, international private law, civil litigation, arbitration proceedings. In 2006 defended a dissertation for a Candidate of Legal Sciences. Research advisor – academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the RK, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, professor M. K. Suleimenov. Dissertation topic: “Leasing Agreement according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Professional experience: from 2007 to present time – Executive Director, Deputy Chairman of the Kazakhstan International Arbitrage; from 2016 to present time – Associated Professor of the Legal Studies Department at Adilet Higher School of Law of the Caspian University (until 2012 – Scientific and Research Institute of private law at KAZGUU); 2015-2016 – associated professor of the Law Department of the School of Law Almaty Management University (AlmaU), 2008-2012 – Full-time consultant of the Legal firm “Zanger”; 2007-2008 – Director of “Institute of Private Law” LLP; 2004-2005 – leading legal consultant of the Department of Methodology and Cooperation with the branches of the Legal Department of JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan”; 2001-2002 – teacher at the Institute of Public Service of KAZGUU; 2000-2002 – Head of the Post-Graduate program of the Scientific and Research Institute of the Private Law of KAZGUU; 2000-2001 – teacher at the Department of the International Law at Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
In 2010 attended internship program “Mediation for judges” (Almaty, HIZ, Almaty City Court); In 2011 – program “Execution of the orders of the International Commercial Arbitrage” (Asser Institute, Hague, the Netherlands). Arbitrator of the Kazakhstan International Arbitrage (KIA, Almaty), Vilnius International and National Commercial Arbitrations (Lithuania). As an arbitrator took part in more than 10 cases as part of the arbitration and tribunal proceedings.
Within the working groups participation in the development of the draft laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On changes and additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General and specific parts)”, “On State Property”, “On Arbitration”, etc. Concepts for improvement of the civil legislation of the RK (2006), Concepts for the development of the law policy of the RK for 2010-2020, Concepts “Future prospects of the civil legislation, civil procedural legislation and legislation on arbitration (Tribunal courts) of the RK” (2009), Concepts for the development of the civil legislation of the EAEC member states (2012).
Author of more than 70 articles on the Civil Law and Private law (Alternative Dispute Resolution), co-author of paragraph-to-paragraph commentary to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General and Specific parts), monographs “Objects of Civil Law”, “Protection of Civil Rights”, textbook for universities “Civil Law” (academic course).
Author and developer of the Interactive Course on arbitration proceedings for the judges of the Specialized Interregional Economic Courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.